

KVM的发展路线就是逐步从软件模拟到硬件辅助,内存虚拟化的本质就是实现客户机虚拟地址 (Guest Virtual Address, GVA) 到宿主机物理地址之间的转换, 其主要发展历程就是从最初的影子页表到硬件辅助实现的EPT/NPT页表,对于影子页表KVM需要为每个客户机的每个进程的页表都要维护一套相应的影子页表, 这会带来较大内存上的额外开销,此外,客户机页表和和影子页表的同步也比较复杂。 因此,Intel 的 EPT(Extent Page Table) 技术和 AMD 的 NPT(Nest Page Table) 技术都对内存虚拟化提供了硬件支持。

对于客户机的内存分配上,KVM提供了ballooning机制,其本质就是可以根据宿主机系统内存使用的紧张程度来动态增加或回收客户机的内存占用。 如果你的云计算环境准备实施oversell,那么这个机制是十分有用的,因为宿主机上的客户机不可能同时满载,这样便可以有效利用物理内存。

如果宿主机上跑着很多相同镜像的客户机,那么这些客户机的内存段是有相同之处的,KVM提供了一个KSM(Kernel Samepage Merging)机制,可以将相同的内存合并。 这就意味着在ballooning机制基础上还能更进一步优化内存使用率。但是KSM的开销也很大,尤其是当客户机的镜像耦合非常低会造成KSM效率非常低,不仅内存合并效果不佳, 还会影响宿主机的系统性能,进而影响所有客户机的性能,需要慎重使用。

此外还有HugePage和Transparent HugePage技术。前者可以给客户机分配一块大内存独占使用,但是因为独占导致很多不灵活,不能在宿主机内存紧张的时候换出; 而后者则是继承了HugePage的优点并弥补了这个缺点。大页技术的使用也需要慎重,如果客户机运行的应用比较依赖内存性能(Redis之流),那么开启这个是值得的。



$ virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 46    instance-0000081a              running
 117   instance-000008c0              running
 122   instance-00000920              running

$ virsh dommemstat 46
actual 2097152
swap_in 0
rss 1031060

actual是启动虚机时设置的最大内存,rss是qemu process在宿主机上所占用的内存,可以通过 grep VmRSS /proc/$(pidof qemu-system-x86_64)/status 得到。但是我们要获取的是虚机内部的内存使用情况,这样明显不能满足需求。



<memballoon model="virtio">
    <stats period="10"/>


actual 2097152
swap_in 0
swap_out 0
unused 1904816
available 2050112
rss 299952



首先windows需要安装virtio-win相关驱动,驱动下载地址 在这里 ,除此之外还需要启动BLNSVR服务。
详情请参考: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Dynamic_Memory_Management




Enabled qemu memory balloon stats when boot instance


We can get vm memory stats from libvirt API ‘virDomainMemoryStats’, it help
telemetry module like as: Ceilometer to collect vm memory usage, but by
default the memory statistical feature is disable in qemu, we need to add
stats period in order to enabled memory statistical.

Problem description

By default, the memory statistical feature is disable in qemu, we need to
add stats period in order to enabled memory statistical, like this::

<memballoon model='virtio'>
  <stats period='10'/>

Add memballoon device stat period in libvirt.xml when boot instance.

Actual memory statistical works on libvirt 1.1.1+ and qemu 1.5+, and need a
guest driver that supports the feature, but booting instance with memory stats
period does not lead to be failure on libvirt 0.9.6+ and qemu 1.0+.

Refer to [1] for libvirt API ‘virDomainMemoryStats’ details.

Refer to [2] for memballoon details in libvirt.xml.

Details of enabled memory stats: [3]

Proposed change

  • Add the option ‘mem_stats_period_seconds’ into nova.conf(libvirt section).
  • Enable stats period of memballoon device, if user boot instance when
    mem_stats_period_seconds > 0. mem_stats_period_seconds is number of seconds
    to memory usage statistics period. By default mem_stats_period_seconds=10.

Other end user impact

User need to prepare suitable balloon driver in image, particularly for windows
guests, most modern Linuxes have it built in. Booting instance will be
successful without image balloon driver, just can’t get guest memory stat from
‘virDomainMemoryStats’ API.

Other deployer impact

Add a new option ‘mem_stats_period_seconds’ in nova.conf libvirt section.
By default mem_stats_period_seconds=10, the stats feature is enable,
mem_stats_period_seconds is number of seconds to memory usage statistics
period. If mem_stats_period_seconds <= 0, the feature is disable.

Work Items

  • Add a LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloon class inherit from LibvirtConfigGuestDevice.
  • Changes to be made to the libvirt driver get_guest_config method to check
    the option ‘mem_stats_period_seconds’ in nova.conf, during the boot of the
  • If mem_stats_period_seconds>0, set stats period of memory balloon device in
    the instance.

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